Find a roommate in Calgary

Find a Roommate in Calgary

Not picky as to where or with whom you live? We have roommate listings across Calgary. If you would like something more specific, below find Calgary roommate listings grouped by the following parameters:

  • Neighbourhood - select from the four quadrants - or popular neighbourhoods
  • School - select from post-secondary schools in Calgary
  • Subgroup - select from gender, lifestyle, ethnicity or religion

Calgary Roommate Listings by Neighbourhood

If you're looking to live in a certain part of Calgary, these neighbourhood/quadrant roommate listings may be of help. Browse listings by Calgary quadrant or area:

Calgary Roommate Listings by School

No doubt when attending a Calgary university or college you'll have to live with a roommate. We've broken down roommate listings by those that either are near a school campus, or living with a student who attends the school. Browse roommate listings by Calgary school below.

Calgary Roommate Listings by Subgroup

For some renters, there are specific types of roommates that they're seeking. Some may prefer to live with someone of the same gender, or someone who does not smoke, someone who is open to a certain lifestyle, orientation or religion. We've compiled a list of such roommate listings for Calgary below.

Roommate Listings by Gender

Prefer to live with a female or male roommate?

Roommate Listings by Lifestyle

Prefer a non-smoker? Someone who is quiet? Someone (and somewhere) that welcomes pets?

Roommate Listings by Orientation or Ethnicity

Prefer to live in a gay-friendly apartment - or with someone who shares your ethnicity?

Roommate Listings by Religion

Prefer to live with someone who shares your religion?